Curriculum Offer
At Impact North West schools, we offer a full time, broad and balanced curriculum for both key stages 3 and 4 to ensure that all students have the opportunity to thrive. Students also have the opportunity to participate in our bespoke personal development programme to develop holistically, focusing on building resilience, communication, regulation and self-awareness.
In both Key stages, reading plays a huge role across the school implementing the research and pedagogy of the Education Endowment Fund.
Staff at INWS understand that everyone is different, everyone learns differently and processes the world differently. We celebrate that uniqueness through a culture of kindness and respect
Key Stage 3
Key Stage 4
"Im Positive About Change Today"
Curriculum Intent
Intent Statement
IMPACT North West's key stage 3 curriculum is taught in sufficient depth and breadth, in line with the National Curriculum, and that all pupils, including disadvantaged students and those with SEND, are receiving a curriculum diet that will give them, not only a love of learning, but the knowledge, cultural capital, and skills to succeed in life.